Saturday, April 18, 2009


Over dinner this evening, it was pointed out by a guest that Susan and I should consider doing reviews of some of the restaurants that we visit. I strongly suspect that it was because I was fairly critical of our choice this evening, with good reason I might add.

Restaurants offer a variety of components: food, service and ambiance come to mind. The late Chicago food critic, James Ward, used the phrase "bread and circuses" to address these issues. It seemed a little affected to me, but it got the point across.

I think that we all tend to focus on food when considering restaurant choices, but for me, I place a high value on service (even higher for lack of service!).

In the past  several weeks, due primarily to a heavy travel schedule, we've eaten out several times from small town dives to big city stars. The results might surprise many of you....bigger isn't necessarily better.

While ambiance is definitely not to be overlooked, we hope to focus on the ambiance of the restaurant, and not of those dining with us, charming though they may be. Where possible we'll try to provide a link to the restaurant and give to the best of our faulty memories an accurate accounting of the menu items chosen.

We will welcome your comments, and make sure that they are available to the interests of fair and accurate reporting.